Inductance measuring instrument should pay attention to what the problem
Frequent quality problems in the present moment, inductance measuringinstrument with a large market demand. With the inductance and other aspects of the examination is increasing demand, because now quickly seized goodsmanufacturers a lot, at present on the market most formal accuracy quickly seized goods is about 70%, therefore, sometimes causing quality problems coilcommodity, sometimes causing miscarriage of justice. Experts recommended that improve access and commodity authentication mechanism of production enterprises, in order to improve the quick detection of commodity production,sales threshold, guarantee the sound development of the industry, the realplay fast inspection as quality assurance primary security technical means ofaction.
Accuracy: said measured value and true value degree of conformity. Due toquick detection instrument is generally used for screening, generally does not require the accurate measurement of the given value.
Precision: the measured values of each other consistent degree under specified conditions repeated measurements of the same quantity. By the standard deviation or relative standard deviation and range, the arithmetic average difference representation.
Repeatability: the same analytical instruments and methods of using the sameanalysis personnel, for the same amount, successively repeated measurement, the obtained each measuring consistency between quantitative value.
Anti interference of electromagnetic interference,: environment (temperature,humidity, vibration, etc.) interference matrix (impurities) interference resistanceability. Because of quick detection instrument used for the site, requirement ofinterference to electromagnetic, temperature and humidity, vibration has stronger resistance capability, the matrix (impurities) available to solve theinterference of sample treatment.
The whole analysis time: to get the final result obtained from the sample to thetime, including the analysis of sample treatment time and the instruments of the time. For the standard sample (matrix and the measured sample should beconsistent with its standard traceability). For the standard value of material,measurement methods with a variety of standard single or multiple laboratorylaboratory, get a standard method of measurement results traceable; also can use a single laboratory measurement method of multi level specific, or multiplelaboratory by using a particular method of measurement results traceable.
Which know, inductance measuring instrument should focus on fast andaccurate.
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