The working principle of the coil
According to our country's development, I believe that everyone on the self-adhesive coils should not strange, because of its application in our life is a lot of, without it we where we work, power supply for our cooking and so on, its contribution to the people is great, and with it, Edison invented the lamp, we can rest assured, convenient to use for our night bright, see, a self-adhesive coils now night the streets are decorated with a variety of be riotous with colour, etc., it from the lighting tool originally evolved into the present art, as a supplement to the increase in our life fun there are, it is our life more a riot of colours, more colorful, add a lot of fun to our life, so it is a great contribution toour.
Inductance self-adhesive coils is to use the principle of electromagnetic induction. Hollow rubber when the current flows through the coil of the electromagnetic field will produce self-adhesive coils, steel plastic coil around a certain, electromagnetic wire itself will be in the range of the electromagnetic field in the conductor induction. Hollow coil to generate electromagnetic self-adhesive coil wire itself, known as the "feeling", i.e.. Change the cable itself,hollow coil current magnetic field, the magnetic field changes, and further affect the current in the conductor; have effect on the voice coil electromagnetic field scope of other wires, called "transformer.
Inductance and capacitance opposite electrical characteristics, high frequency resistance), low frequency, that is to say, will face a lot of high frequencysignals through the inductance coil resistance, it is difficult to pass through;and put forward the low-frequency signal through the small resistance, low frequency signals through it can be more easily. DC resistance of the inductorcoil is almost zero. The voice coil resistance, capacitance and inductancecircuit liquid coil actuator signals can exist certain resistance, which we call the "impedance current signal resistor inductance coil exists using the coil inductance. The inductance coil and sometimes we call it the "inductive" or "coil by the letters" L". Winding inductance coil, coil winding turns what we usually call the turn number of coil.
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